see also: Musketeer

musketeer (plural musketeers)

  1. (military) A foot soldier armed with a musket.
  2. (military) In 17th- and 18th-century France, a member of the royal household bodyguard.
  3. A comrade or fellow.
Translations Translations

musketeer (plural musketeers)

  1. (informal) A fan, supporter or partisan of Elon Musk.
    • 2014, Charles Morris, "The early days of Tesla ↗", Charged: Electric Vehicles Magazine, Issue 14, June/July 2014, page 62:
      This was the rock that Musk and his Musketeers planned to build their company on.
    • 2015, "Fortune favours the brave ↗", The Economist, 4 July 2015:
      Mr Vance comes across as a “Musketeer”, someone who believes in Mr Musk’s power to reshape the world.

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