punch out

punch out

  1. (transitive) To repeatedly hit a person
  2. (transitive) To hit so they become unconscious (knocked out)
    I'm going to punch out that SOB and leave him laying on the ground bleeding.
  3. (transitive) To use a punch to remove a piece of material or to remove a piece already scored.
    I spent all day punching out the die cut decals.
  4. (intransitive) To leave a workplace by punching a timecard
    I'm going to punch out a bit early today.
  5. (intransitive) To leave a workplace
  6. (intransitive) To eject from an airplane.
    With the engine on fire he had to punch out and hit the silk.
  7. (transitive, intransitive, computing) To extract data from a computer by the use of a keyboard.
  8. (transitive, baseball) To rule (by an umpire) that a pitch is a called third strike, often done emphatically.
    The ump punched out the batter with relish to close out the game.
  9. (transitive, baseball) To throw a called third strike.
    Jones punched out the batter to start in the sixth.

punch out (plural punch outs)

  1. (baseball) An instance of a called third strike.
    Jones' punch out happened with the bases juiced.

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