  • IPA: /ˈɹæbəl/

rabble (rabbles, present participle rabbling; past and past participle rabbled)

  1. (intransitive) To speak in a confused manner; talk incoherently; utter nonsense
  2. (transitive) To speak confusedly or incoherently; gabble or chatter out

rabble (plural rabbles)

  1. (obsolete) A bewildered or meaningless string of words.
  2. (obsolete) A pack of animals; or any confused collection of things.
  3. A mob; a disorderly crowd. [from late 14th c.]
  4. (contemptuous, derogatory) The mass of common people; the lowest class of populace. [from 1550s]
Synonyms Translations
  • French: cohue, foule
  • Russian: толпа́
  • Spanish: turba
Translations Noun

rabble (plural rabbles)

  1. An iron bar used in puddling.

rabble (rabbles, present participle rabbling; past and past participle rabbled)

  1. (transitive) To stir with a rabble.

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