  • IPA: /ˈɹædəl/


  1. A red ochre.
Synonyms Translations Verb

raddle (raddles, present participle raddling; past and past participle raddled)

  1. To mark with raddle; to daub something red.
  2. To interweave or twist together.
    • raddling or working it up like basket work
  3. To do work in a slovenly way.
Synonyms Translations Noun

raddle (plural raddles)

  1. A long, flexible stick, rod, or branch, interwoven with others between upright posts or stakes, in making a kind of hedge or fence.
  2. A hedge or fence made with raddles.
  3. An instrument consisting of a wooden bar, with a row of upright pegs set in it, used by domestic weavers to keep the warp of a proper width and prevent tangling when it is wound upon the beam of the loom.
  • (weavers' tool) evener, niffler

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