secondary school
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secondary school (plural secondary schools)
- (schools, British) In the UK, a state school attended between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18.
- (schools, North America) The federally designated, graduation-separated classification of grades 9–12 (approximately ages 14–18), regardless of whether they are compiled together in one school or separate from the other grades.
- (schools, Hong Kong) School with education level between primary school and university.
- high school (equivalent in the US)
- postsecondary school
- secondary modern
- French: école secondaire, lycée (equivalent in France), collège (Switzerland)
- German: Mittelschule (the age of 10 to 16), Oberschule (various types of schools)
- Italian: liceo (lyceum), ginnasio (first 2 years of a "classical lyceum"), liceo classico (classical lyceum), liceo scientifico (scientific lyceum), liceo linguistico (linguistic lyceum), liceo artistico (art lyceum), scuola secondaria (general sense), scuola superiore (general sense)
- Portuguese: ensino secundário, ensino médio
- Russian: сре́дняя шко́ла
- Spanish: secundaria, escuela secundaria
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