secondary school

secondary school (plural secondary schools)

  1. (schools, British) In the UK, a state school attended between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18.
  2. (schools, North America) The federally designated, graduation-separated classification of grades 9–12 (approximately ages 14–18), regardless of whether they are compiled together in one school or separate from the other grades.
  3. (schools, Hong Kong) School with education level between primary school and university.
Synonyms Related terms Translations
  • French: école secondaire, lycée (equivalent in France), collège (Switzerland)
  • German: Mittelschule (the age of 10 to 16), Oberschule (various types of schools)
  • Italian: liceo (lyceum), ginnasio (first 2 years of a "classical lyceum"), liceo classico (classical lyceum), liceo scientifico (scientific lyceum), liceo linguistico (linguistic lyceum), liceo artistico (art lyceum), scuola secondaria (general sense), scuola superiore (general sense)
  • Portuguese: ensino secundário, ensino médio
  • Russian: сре́дняя шко́ла
  • Spanish: secundaria, escuela secundaria

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