Pronunciation Noun


  1. (uncountable) A drink made by mixing beer and lemonade.
  2. (countable) A glass of this drink.
Translations Translations Adjective

shandy (comparative shandier, superlative shandiest)

  1. (Northern England, Scotland) wild, energetic, romping, boisterous, rambunctious
  2. (Northern England, Scotland) unsteady, lacking self-discipline or control, somewhat dissipated
  3. (Northern England, Scotland) empty-headed, crackbrained, half-crazy
  4. (Northern England, Scotland) mild, gentle; shy, bashful, timid, reluctant, unmotivated
  5. (Northern England, Scotland) poor-looking, miserable, broken-down, low, common, mean; shabby, untidy
Related terms

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