  • IPA: /ˈʃɪtən/
  1. (archaic) Past participle of shit
  2. (archaic) Past participle of shite

shitten (not comparable)

  1. (archaic) Covered with or stained by excrement
  2. (archaic) Of or pertaining to excrement
  3. (by extension) disgusting; contemptible.
    • (Can we date this quote?), Francis Beaumont; John Fletcher, “The Little French Lawyer”, in Comedies and Tragedies […], London: Printed for Humphrey Robinson, […], and for Humphrey Moseley […], published 1647, OCLC 3083972 ↗, Act 2, scene 3:
      Thy lady is a scurvy lady, and a shitten lady,
      And, though I never heard of her, a deboshed lady.

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