sign on

sign on (plural sign ons)

  1. (broadcasting) The time of day when a radio or television station begins broadcasting, usually after being off the air for several hours.
    Sign on for the radio station is at 5 a.m.
  2. Alternative form of sign-on#English|sign-on

sign on

  1. To join something, after signing.
  2. To commit oneself, as to a project, a goal, on organization, a cause.
    • I never signed on for this.
  3. (broadcasting) To begin broadcasting a radio or television signal, usually at the beginning of a broadcasting day and after being off the air for several hours.
    • Years ago, the TV station would sign on at 5 a.m., but now it broadcasts 24 hours a day.
  4. (idiomatic) To log on; to start using a computer, radio, etc., or to start talking.
  5. (UK, intransitive) To apply to receive unemployment benefits.
    • 1999, Madeleine St John, A Stairway to Paradise, Chapter 28
      Oh, one thing led to another; you know. I just sort of faffed around — I just did odd jobs; and sometimes in between I signed on.

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