step by step
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step by step (not comparable)
- From one stage to the next in sequence.
- We were shown the process step by step.
- Gradually and steadily.
- (in sequence) in order, step by step; see also Thesaurus:sequentially
- (gradually and steadily) bit by bit, little by little; see also Thesaurus:incrementally or Thesaurus:gradually
- French: pas à pas
- German: nach und nach, Schritt für Schritt, schrittweise
- Italian: passo a passo, gradualmente, poco a poco, poco per volta
- Portuguese: passo a passo, pouco a pouco, de pouquinho em pouquinho, gradualmente
- Russian: шаг за ша́гом
- Spanish: paso a paso, poco a poco
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003