see also: Terrace
  • IPA: /ˈtɛɹəs/

terrace (plural terraces)

  1. A platform that extends outwards from a building.
    • 1909, Archibald Marshall [pseudonym; Arthur Hammond Marshall], chapter I, in The Squire’s Daughter, London: Methuen, OCLC 12026604 ↗; republished New York, N.Y.: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1919, OCLC 491297620 ↗:
      They stayed together during three dances, went out on to the terrace, explored wherever they were permitted to explore, paid two visits to the buffet, and enjoyed themselves much in the same way as if they had been school-children surreptitiously breaking loose from an assembly of grown-ups.
  2. A raised, flat-topped bank of earth with sloping sides, especially one of a series for farming or leisure; a similar natural area of ground, often next to a river.
  3. A row of residential houses with no gaps between them; a group of row houses.
  4. (UK, informal) A single house in such a group.
  5. (in the plural, chiefly, British) The standing area at a football ground.
  6. (chiefly, Indian English) The roof of a building, especially if accessible to the residents. Often used for drying laundry, sun-drying foodstuffs, exercise, or sleeping outdoors in hot weather.
Related terms

Translations Translations Translations
  • German: Häuserreihe; Häuserflucht (both not restricted to residential houses); Reihenhausstraße; Reihenhausviertel (a street / neighbourhood with terraces)
Translations Translations Verb

terrace (terraces, present participle terracing; past and past participle terraced)

  1. To provide something with a terrace.
  2. To form something into a terrace.
  • Russian: устра́ивать в виде террасы
  • Spanish: terraplenar

Proper noun
  1. A city in British Columbia, Canada

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