This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.004
- (British) IPA: /θiˈæt.ɹɪ.kəl/
- Of or relating to the theatre.
- 12 July 2012, Sam Adams, AV Club Ice Age: Continental Drift
- The matter of whether the world needs a fourth Ice Age movie pales beside the question of why there were three before it, but Continental Drift feels less like an extension of a theatrical franchise than an episode of a middling TV cartoon, lolling around on territory that’s already been settled.
- 12 July 2012, Sam Adams, AV Club Ice Age: Continental Drift
- Fake and exaggerated.
- French: théâtral
- German: theatralisch, Theater
- Portuguese: teatral
- Russian: театра́льный
- Spanish: teatral
- German: theatralisch, dramatisch
- Italian: teatrale, plateale
- Portuguese: teatral
- Russian: театра́льный
- Spanish: teatral
theatrical (plural theatricals)
- A stage performance, especially one by amateurs.
- A commercially produced film to be shown in movie theaters.
- 2005, The Hollywood Reporter (page 61)
- Release schedules were stepped up so that virtually all of the summer theatricals are coming to video before year's end.
- 2005, The Hollywood Reporter (page 61)
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.004