  • (British) IPA: /ˈtɹeɪsə(ɹ)/, [ˈtʃɹeɪsə(ɹ)]
  • (America) IPA: /ˈtɹeɪsɚ/, [ˈtʃɹeɪsɚ]

tracer (plural tracers)

  1. (chemistry) A compound, element, or isotope used to track the progress or history of a natural process.
  2. A round of ammunition for a firearm that contains magnesium or another flammable substance arranged such that it will burn and produce a visible trail when fired in the dark.
    Synonyms: tracer ammunition, tracer bullet
  3. The act or state of tracking or investigating something.
    • 1964, Galaxy Magazine (volume 23, issues 1-6, page 125)
      We have a five-man tracer on him now. He's heading for a Vorster cell on Michigan Boulevard, and he's drunk as a lord. Should we intercept him?
  4. A request to trace the movements of a person or an object, such as a shipment.
  5. A person who traces something.
  6. A device or instrument used to assist in making tracings.
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