

  1. Understanding; comprehension.
  2. Absorption, especially of food or nutrient by an organism.
  3. The act of lifting or taking up.
  4. (dated) A chimney.
  5. (dated) The upcast pipe from the smokebox of a steam boiler towards the chimney.
Translations Verb

uptake (uptakes, present participle uptaking; past uptook, past participle uptaken)

  1. (archaic) To take up, to lift.
    • 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, II.ii:
      He hearkned to his reason, and the childe / Vptaking, to the Palmer gaue to beare [...].
  2. To absorb, as food or a drug by an organism.
  3. To accept and begin to use, as a new practice.

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