  • (after sibilant) IPA: /əz/, /ɨz/
  • (after vowel) IPA: /z/
  1. Used to form the regular plural of nouns
    1. that end in "(t)ch" (only when pronounced as IPAchar [tʃ]) — glitchglitches (but psychpsychs)
    2. that end in "(j)j" — hajjhajjes ("j" is only final in loan words raj, hajj)
    3. that end in "(s)s(e)" — busbuses, househouses
    4. that end in "x" — boxboxes
    5. that end in "(z)z" — waltzwaltzes
    6. that end in "o" (in some cases) — tomatotomatoes (but sopranosopranos)
    7. that end in "sh" — ashashes
    8. that end in "y" — ladyladies
    9. that end in "ce" — fencefences
    10. that end in "(d)ge" — bridgebridges, rangeranges

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