see also: Fifth
  • (British, America, standard) enPR: fĭfth, IPA: /fɪfθ/
  • (British, America, informal or dialectal) enPR: fĭth, IPA: /fɪθ/
  • (British, America, dialectal) enPR: fĭft, IPA: /fɪft/

fifth (not comparable)

  1. The ordinal form of the number five.
  • 5th; (in names of monarchs and popes) V
  • French: cinquième (before the noun); (in names of monarchs and popes) cinq (after the name) (abbreviation V)
  • German: fünfte
  • Italian: quinto (before the noun); (in names of monarchs and popes) quinto m, quinta f (after the name) (abbreviation V)
  • Portuguese: quinto
  • Russian: пя́тый
  • Spanish: quinto

fifth (plural fifths)

  1. The person or thing in the fifth position.
  2. One of five equal parts of a whole.
  3. The fifth gear of an engine.
  4. A quantity of liquor equal to one-fifth of a gallon, or, more commonly, 750 milliliters (that is, three quarters of a liter).
  5. The musical interval between one note and another seven semitones higher (the fifth note in the major/minor scale)
  6. The fifth voice in a polyphonic melody.
  • (one of five equal parts) ⅕
Translations Translations Translations Verb

fifth (fifths, present participle fifthing; past and past participle fifthed)

  1. A music technique. rfclarify en
    • 1996 Music in Early English Religious Drama: Minstrels playing ↗ page 510
      Another extension of strict organum is 'fifthing'. Fifthing is a note-against- note method of creating a two-part texture by improvising a second voice over the given tune, starting and ending each musical phrase at the octave and proceeding mainly in fifths above the tune at others times.
  2. To support something fifth, after four others have already done so.
  3. to divide by 5, equates to multiplying a denominator by 5

Proper noun
  1. (chiefly, US, informal, with the) The Fifth Amendment.
  2. (chiefly, US, informal, with the, by extension) The right not to give self-incriminating testimony.
  3. (chiefly, US) Fifth Avenue.
  4. (chiefly, US) Fifth Street.
Related terms

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