Holy Communion
Proper noun
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Proper noun
- A Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper of Christ, with the physical forms of bread and usually wine which are believed by certain denominations to become Christ himself or to host his spiritual presence.
- Blessed Sacrament
- Breaking of Bread
- Communion
- Divine Service
- Eucharist
- Holy Mass
- Lord's Table
- Lord's Supper
- Mass
- Sacrament
- French: eucharistie
- German: Eucharistie, Heilige Kommunion, Kommunion, Abendmahl, Heiliges Abendmahl, Heiliges Mahl, Brotbrechen, Tisch des Herrn
- Italian: comunione, viatico, eucaristia
- Portuguese: eucaristia
- Russian: прича́стие
- communion wafer
- Spiritual Communion
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