  • IPA: /ˈkɹɪʃtʃən/, /ˈkɹɪstjən/, /ˈkɹɪstʃən/

Christian (plural Christians)

  1. A believer in Christianity.
    • 1600, William Shakespeare, [;view=fulltext The Most Excellent Historie of the Merchant of Venice], Act III, Scene i:
      Shyl.... If a Iewe wrong a Christian, what is his humillity, reuenge? If a Christian wrong a Iewe, what should his sufferance be by Christian example, why reuenge? The villanie you teach me I will execute, and it shall goe hard but I will better the instruction.
    • 1848, James Ford translating St. Augustine in The Gospel of St. Matthew, Illustrated from Ancient and Modern Authors, p. 46: ↗
      The whole life of a good Christian is nothing else but a state of holy desire (sanctum desiderium).
    • 1925, E. Stanley Jones, The Christ of the Indian Road, p. 118: ↗
      "Mahatma Gandhi, I am very anxious to see Christianity naturalized in India, so that it shall be no longer a foreign thing identified with foreign people and a foreign government, but a part of the national life of India... What would you suggest that we do to make that possible?" He very gravely and thoughtfully replied: "I would suggest, first, that all of you Christians, missionaries and all, must begin to live more like Jesus Christ."
    • 2008, Christopher Catherwood, Making War in the Name of God, p. 188:
      ...thousands of people have been killed in recent years in violence between Muslims and Christians...
  2. An individual who seeks to live his or her life according to the principles and values taught by Jesus Christ.
    • 1526, William Bonde, Preface to Pylgrimage of Perfection:
      Ye lyfe of euery christian, is as a pilgremage.
    • 1976, Walter Arnold Kaufmann translating Friedrich Nietzsche in The Antichrist, §39:
      The very word 'Christianity' is a misunderstanding—at bottom there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross.
    • 1991, Stephen Fry, The Liar, p. 29:
      ‘You're riding for a fall, Healey, you know that? There are hedges and ditches ahead and you are on course for an almighty cropper.... And I shall be cheering and laughing as you tumble,’ said Meddlar, his spectacles flashing.
      ‘That's just the warm-hearted Christian in you, sir.’
  3. (obsolete, UK) A European.
Translations Proper noun
  1. A male given name found in England since the twelfth century.
  2. A female given name of medieval usage, rare today.
  3. Surname
Related terms Translations Adjective


  1. (not comparable) Of, like or relating to Christianity or Christians.
  2. (not comparable) Of, like or relating to Jesus Christ.
  3. Kind, charitable; moral; a term of approbation.
    That's very Christian of you.
    • 1867?, Janet Robertson, Christine; or, Common-Place People
      I have only been at home two days, and here I am come on the third to see you and Tiny, so it is not Christian of you — as my mother would say — to receive your dutiful grand-nephew in such an unkind manner […]
    • 1981, Mary Leader, Salem's Children, ISBN 084390982X, page 82
      "Why should I? It's very Christian of you." "People here do not think of me as a Christian, Mitti." "I'd call it Christian charity," I floundered. "You think Christians have a monopoly on charity?" she asked. "Well, no," I stammered.
Synonyms Antonyms Translations Related terms

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