  • (RP) IPA: /ˈliːpfɹɒɡ/
  • (GA) IPA: /ˈliːpfɹɑɡ/, /-fɹɔɡ/


  1. (games) A game#Noun|game, often played by children, in which a player leap#Verb|leaps like a frog over the back#Noun|back of another person who has stoop#Verb|stooped over. One variation of the game involves a number of people lining up in a row#Noun|row and bending over. The last person in the line then vault#Verb|vaults forward over each of the others until he or she reaches the front of the line, whereupon he also bends over. The process is then repeated.
  2. (chiefly, Britain, law, usually, attributive) The process#Noun|process by which a case#Noun|case is appeal#Verb|appealed or allowed to be appealed directly to a supreme court, bypass#Verb|bypassing an intermediate appellate court.
Translations Verb

leapfrog (leapfrogs, present participle leapfrogging; past and past participle leapfrogged)

  1. (transitive) To jump over some obstacle, as in the game of leapfrog.
  2. (transitive) To overtake.
    This new product will leapfrog the competition.
  3. (intransitive) To progress#Verb|progress.
  4. (transitive, chiefly, Britain, law) Of a case#Noun|case: to appeal#Verb|appeal or allow to be appealed directly to a supreme court, bypass#Verb|bypassing an intermediate appellate court.
  5. (transitive, military) To advance#Verb|advance by engaging the enemy with one unit while another move#Verb|moves further forward.

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