see also: Romanize

romanize (romanizes, present participle romanizing; past and past participle romanized)

  1. (transitive) To put letters or words written in another writing system into the Latin (Roman) alphabet.
    Synonyms: Latinize, transliterate
    The author romanizes Chinese names using the Wade–Giles system rather than the Pinyin system.
    • 1912, Lord William Cecil (bishop), Changing China, New York: D. Appleton, Chapter 10, p. 132,
      A new system has been invented by which Chinese can be written in our letters as pronounced. This is called by the rather uncouth name of “Romanised.”
  2. (transitive, historical, usually, capitalized) To bring under the authority or influence of Rome.
    • 1658, Thomas Browne, Hydriotaphia, Urn Burial, London: Hen. Brome, Chapter 2, p. 28,
      But since this custome was probably disused before their Invasion or Conquest, and the Romanes confessedly practised the same, since their possession of this Island, the most assured account will fall upon the Romanes, or Brittains Romanized.
  3. (ambitransitive, usually, capitalized) To make or become Roman in character or style.
    • 1680, John Dryden, Ovid’s Heroides translated by several hands, London: Jacob Tonson, Preface,
      […] perhaps he has Romaniz’d his Grecian Dames too much, and made them speak sometimes as if they had been born in the City of Rome, and under the Empire of Augustus.
    • 1790, Thomas Pennant, Of London, London: Robt. Faulder, p. 8,
      Long before this period, it [London] was fully romanized, and the customs, manners, buildings, and arts of the conqueror adopted.
  4. (ambitransitive, usually, capitalized) To make or become Roman Catholic in religion (by conversion), character or style.
    Synonyms: Latinize
    • 1661, John Corbet, The Interest of England in the Matter of Religion, London: George Thomason, Section 11, p. 50,
      […] the more primitive times of Protestantism were more leaning to that which Romanizing spirits have called Puritanism.
  5. (transitive, obsolete) To fill with Latin words or idioms.
    Synonyms: Latinize
    • 1668, John Dryden, Of Dramatick Poesie, London: Henry Herringman, p. 50,
      perhaps too, he [Ben Ben Jonson] did a little to much Romanize our Tongue, leaving the words which he translated almost as much Latine as he found them: wherein though he learnedly followed the Idiom of their language, he did not enough comply with ours.

romanize (romanizes, present participle Romanizing; past and past participle Romanized)

  1. Alternative form of romanize

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