  • IPA: /əˈdɪʃən/, /æˈdɪʃən/


  1. (uncountable) The act of adding anything.
    The addition of five more items to the agenda will make the meeting unbearably long.
  2. Anything that is added.
  3. (uncountable) The arithmetic operation of adding.
  4. (music) A dot at the right side of a note as an indication that its sound is to be lengthened one half.
  5. (chiefly, legal) A title annexed to a person's name to identify him or her more precisely, as in "John Doe, Esq.", "Robert Dale, Mason", "Thomas Way, of New York".
    • c. 1599–1602, William Shakespeare, The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke: […] (Second Quarto), London: Printed by I[ames] R[oberts] for N[icholas] L[ing] […], published 1604, OCLC 760858814 ↗, [Act I, scene iv]:
      {...}}They clepe#English|clip vs drunkards, and with swinish#English|Swiniſh phraſe / soil#Verb|Soyle our addition, and indeede it takes / From our atchieuements, though perform’d at height#English|height / The pith and marrow of our attribute{{...}
  6. (heraldry) Something added to a coat of arms, as a mark of honour; opposed to abatement.
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  • German: Summant

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