
attendee (plural attendees)

  1. A person who is in attendance or in the audience of an event.
    • 2000, Russian Government, Federal Constitutional Law №3 dated December 25, 2000
      During the official performance of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation all attendees are supposed to stand and men take their hats off.
  2. A visitor or participant of an event.
    • 2002, Sam Williams, Free as in Freedom, chapter 11
      O'Reilly, the summit host, remembers a particularly insightful comment from Torvalds, a summit attendee.
  3. (uncommon) A person who is attended.
  • (participant in an event) audience (member), participant
  • (person in attendance) attender, audience (member)

    Attender was originally the only word for a person attending. As with most nouns formed from verbs, as payer, trainer, employer, it was the receiver of action that was formed with -ee, as with payee, trainee, employee. In the 1980s with the advent of spell-checkers, the word attender was erroneously flagged as misspelled and attendee was its replacement. Since then attender is no longer in popular usage.

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