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- IPA: /ˈbæptɪzəm/
- A Christian sacrament, by which one is received into a church and sometimes given a name, generally involving the candidate to be anointed with or submerged in water.
- A similar ceremony of initiation, purification or naming.
- anabaptise, anabaptize
- anabaptist, Anabaptist
- anabaptistic, Anabaptistic
- anabaptistical, Anabaptistical
- anabaptistically, Anabaptistically
- antipaedobaptist, antipædobaptist, antipedobaptist
- anti-paedobaptist, anti-pædobaptist, anti-pedobaptist
- credobaptist, credo-baptist
- baptisand, baptizand
- baptisation, baptization
- baptise, baptize
- baptiser, baptizer
- baptising, baptizing
- baptist, Baptist
- baptistery, baptistry
- baptistic, Baptistic
- baptistical, Baptistical
- baptistically, Baptistically
- paedobaptist, pædobaptist, pedobaptist
- paedo-baptist, pædo-baptist, pedo-baptist
- rebaptisation, rebaptization
- re-baptisation, re-baptization
- rebaptise, rebaptize
- re-baptise, re-baptize
- rebaptising, rebaptizing
- re-baptising, re-baptizing
- French: baptême
- German: Taufe
- Italian: battesimo
- Portuguese: (Brazil) batismo, (Portugal) baptismo
- Russian: креще́ние
- Spanish: bautismo, bautizo
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.005