  • (America) IPA: /ˈblæk.aʊt/
  • (Canadian raising) IPA: /ˈblæk.ʌʊt/


  1. A temporary loss of consciousness.
    Synonyms: blankout#Noun, faint#Noun, syncope
    Coordinate terms: grayout, greyout
  2. A temporary loss of memory.
    Synonyms: blankout#Noun
  3. A large-scale power failure, and resulting loss of electricity to consumers.
    Synonyms: power cut, outage
    Coordinate terms: brownout, dimout
  4. An instance of censorship, especially a temporary one.
    media blackout
  5. (internet) An intentional outage of a website or other online service, typically as a form of protest.
    the 2012 English Wikipedia blackout
  6. (historical) The mandatory blocking of all light emanating from buildings, as well as outdoor and street lighting as a measure against aerial bombing or naval attack, as imposed during, e.g., World War II.
  7. (attributive) The blocking out of as much light as possible.
    blackout blinds; blackout curtains
  8. (slang, criminology, rare) A mass murder committed, usually in an urban area, to eliminate potential witnesses of a previous crime.
Translations Translations Translations Translations Verb

blackout (blackouts, present participle blackouting; simple past and past participle blackouted)

  1. (nonstandard)
    • 1941, Annual Report of the Boy Scouts of America: Letter from the Chief Scout Executive Transmitting the Annual Report of the Boy Scouts of America ... as Required by Federal Charter, Boy Scouts of America, page 37:
      Scouts assisted Mabel Smythe Building officials in blackouting windows.

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