bug out

bug out

  1. (slang, intransitive, originally military) To leave (a place) hastily.
    It's time I bugged out of this town: it ain't safe no more.
  2. (slang, intransitive) to abandon someone without warning.
    I'm not gonna bug out on you, I promise.
  3. (slang, intransitive) To miss school, play truant, play hooky.
    I go to Stockton High, but normally I bug out.
  4. (slang, transitive, of one's eyes) To cause to bulge.
    Kim Goodman holds the world record for bugging out her eyes.
  5. (intransitive, slang, computing) To crash or glitch.
    My PC keeps bugging out and rebooting for no reason.

bug out (plural bug outs)

  1. (military, slang) A rapid retreat, a rout.

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