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- IPA: /ˈsɪ.ɡə.ɹɛt/, /sɪ.ɡəˈɹɛt/
cigarette (plural cigarettes)
- Tobacco or other substances, in a thin roll wrapped with paper, intended to be smoked.
- 2008, Thomas A. Liuzzo, One Last Cigarette: Memoirs of a 5-pack-a-day Smoker!, AuthorHouse (ISBN 9781434396464), page 20:
- Grandma has an occasional cigarette, as well as Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Julie, and our kids give them crap about it.
- 2008, Thomas A. Liuzzo, One Last Cigarette: Memoirs of a 5-pack-a-day Smoker!, AuthorHouse (ISBN 9781434396464), page 20:
- French: cigarette
- German: Zigarette, Kippe (colloquial)
- Italian: sigaretta
- Portuguese: cigarro
- Russian: сигаре́та
- Spanish: cigarrillo
cigarette (cigarettes, present participle cigaretting; past and past participle cigaretted)
- Could someone cigarette me?
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.004