  • (RP) IPA: /ˈkɔːdəɹɔɪ/
  • (America) IPA: /ˈkɔɹdəɹɔɪ/


  1. A heavy fabric, usually made of cotton, with vertical ribs.
  2. (obsolete, Ireland, slang) Cheap and poor-quality whiskey.
  3. A pattern on snow resulting from the use of a snow groomer to pack snow and improve skiing, snowboarding and snowmobile trail conditions. Corduroy is widely regarded as a good surface on which to ski or ride.
Related terms Translations
  • French: velours côtelé
  • German: Cord
  • Portuguese: bombazine, veludo cotelê
  • Russian: ру́бчатый вельве́т
  • Spanish: pana

corduroy (corduroys, present participle corduroying; past and past participle corduroyed)

  1. To make (a road) by laying down split logs or tree-trunks over a marsh, swamp etc.
    • 1886, Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant, chapter 53
      The night was very dark and it rained heavily, the roads were so bad that the troops had to cut trees and corduroy the road a part of the way, to get through.
    • 1988, James McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, Oxford 2004, pp. 827-8:
      But Sherman organized “pioneer battalions” of soldiers and freedmen […] to cut saplings and trees to corduroy the roads, build bridges, and construct causeways.

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