see also: Day
Pronunciation Noun

day (plural days)

  1. Any period of 24 hours.
    I've been here for two days and a bit.
  2. A period from midnight to the following midnight.
    The day begins at midnight.
    Synonyms: Thesaurus:day
  3. (astronomy) Rotational period of a planet (especially Earth).
    A day on Mars is slightly over 24 hours.
  4. The part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.
    I worked two days last week.
  5. Part of a day period between sunrise and sunset where one enjoys daylight; daytime.
    day and night;  I work at night and sleep during the day.
    Synonyms: daylight, upsun, Thesaurus:daytime
    Antonyms: night, Thesaurus:nighttime
  6. A specified time or period; time, considered with reference to the existence or prominence of a person or thing; age; time.
    Every dog has its day.
    • 1910, Emerson Hough, chapter I, in The Purchase Price: Or The Cause of Compromise, Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, OCLC 639762314 ↗, page 0108 ↗:
      This new-comer was a man who in any company would have seemed striking. […] Indeed, all his features were in large mold, like the man himself, as though he had come from a day when skin garments made the proper garb of men.
    • 1945 August 17, George Orwell [pseudonym; Eric Arthur Blair], chapter 6, in Animal Farm: A Fairy Story, London: Secker & Warburg, OCLC 3655473 ↗:
      If they had no more food than they had had in Jones's day, at least they did not have less.
    Synonyms: era, epoch, Thesaurus:era
  7. A period of contention of a day or less.
    The day belonged to the Allies.
  8. (meteorology) A 24-hour period beginning at 6am or sunrise.
    Your 8am forecast: The high for the day will be 30 and the low, before dawn, will be 10.

day (days, present participle daying; past and past participle dayed)

  1. (rare, intransitive) To spend a day (in a place).

Pronunciation Proper noun
  1. Surname derived from a medieval diminutive of David.
  2. Surname from day as a word for a "day-servant", an archaic term for a day-laborer, or from given names such as Dagr, Daug, Dege, and Dey, cognate with Scandinavian Dag.
  3. Surname anglicised from Ó Deághaidh ("descendant of a person named Good Luck").
Proper noun
  1. A Mbum-Day language of Chad.

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