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- (British) IPA: /dɪsˈəʊn/
disown (disowns, present participle disowning; past and past participle disowned)
- (transitive) To refuse to own, or to refuse to acknowledge one’s own.
- Lord Capulet and his wife threatened to disown their daughter Juliet if she didn’t go through with marrying Count Paris.
- (transitive) To repudiate any connection to; to renounce.
- Synonyms: disavow, disclaim, Thesaurus:repudiate
- (transitive, computing, Unix) To detach (a job or process) so that it can continue to run even when the user who launched it ends his/her login session.
- French: renier
- German: verstoßen, verleugnen, ableugnen, enteignen, zurückweisen, sich distanzieren
- Portuguese: renegar
- Russian: отрека́ться
- Spanish: renegar
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002