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- (British, America) IPA: /ˈdɹɛs.ɑːʒ/
- (uncountable) The schooling of a horse.
- (uncountable) An equestrian sport in which the horse and rider perform a test of specific movements in an arena, and are judged on the horse's obedience, acceptance of the bridle and of the rider's aids, gaits, impulsion, and the harmony between horse and rider.
- (countable) An event or competition of the sport of dressage.
- I'm competing in two dressages and a jumping show this weekend.
- (the training of a horse) flatwork, training, haute ecole (high school), classical dressage, (poetically) ballet on horseback
- French: dressage
- German: Dressur
- Russian: объе́здка
- Spanish: adiestramiento, entrenamiento
- French: dressage
- German: Dressurreiten
- Russian: вы́ездка
- Spanish: adiestramiento, doma clásica
- German: Turnier, Reitschau, Springreiten, Dressurwettkampf
- Russian: вы́ездка
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003