  • IPA: /ˈfiː.meɪl/

female (not comparable)

  1. Belonging to the sex which typically produces eggs (ova), or to the gender which is typically associated with it. [from 14th c.]
    female authors, the leading male and female artists, a female bird cooing at a male, intersex female patients, a trans female vlogger
    • 1997, Vicki León, Uppity Women of Medieval Times (Conari Press, ISBN 9781573240390), page 2:
      Twice in her thirty-year career she held office in the blacksmiths' guild. Ms. [Fya] upper Bach was no fluke, either: legal and guild records from medieval Germany list other female blacksmiths, coppersmiths, tinsmiths, and pewterers. Some of these redoubtable women gained entry into the guild through "widow's rights"; others, however, made it on sheer mettle and muscle.
    • 2017, Rick Riordan, Magnus Chase and the Hammer of Thor (ISBN 978-1-4231-6092-2), page 271:
      I turned to [gender-fluid] Alex. "Hey, are you female today? [...] The Skofnung Sword [...] can't be drawn in the presence of women."
  2. Characteristic of this sex/gender. (Compare feminine, womanly.)
    stereotypically female pastimes, an insect with typically female coloration
    • 1987, Don't Shoot[,] Darling!: Women's Independent Filmmaking in Australia, page 350:
      A travelling shot of a harbour view near Sydney's White Bay moves into a domestic interior as a female voice says, 'There was nowhere else to live except alone.'
    • 2004, Mino Vianello, Gwen Moore, Women and Men in Political and Business Elites: A Comparative Study (ISBN 1412933749):
      More than that, we cannot find the same dynamics within female career trajectories as in the other two country groups, because the time-structure of female and male careers already shows great similarity within the older generation of elites. In addition, the pattern of the relation between female and male careers remains the same over time.
  3. Tending to lead to or regulate the development of sexual characteristics typical of this sex.
    the female chromosome;   estrogen, the primary female sex hormone, is produced by both females and males
  4. (grammar, less common than 'feminine') Feminine; of the feminine grammatical gender.
    • 2012, Sinéad Leleu, ‎Michaela Greck-Ismair, German Pen Pals Made Easy KS3:
      If you are describing a female noun, you must make the adjective feminine by adding an 'e'. If you describe a male noun, you add an 'er'. For neutral nouns you add an 'es'.
  5. (figuratively) Having an internal socket, as in a connector or pipe fitting. [from 16th c.]
    • 1993, Ed Sarviel, Construction Estimating Reference Data (ISBN 9780934041843), page 284:
      A ground-joint union is made in three separate pieces and is used for joining two pipes. It consists of two machined pieces with female pipe threads, which are screwed on the pipes to be united, and a threaded collar which holds the two pieces of the union together.
Synonyms Translations Translations Noun

female (plural females)

  1. One of the female (feminine) sex or gender.
    1. (sometimes offensive, see usage notes) A human member of the feminine sex or gender.
      • 2004, Charles J. Epstein, Robert P. Erickson, Anthony Joseph Wynshaw-Boris, Inborn Errors of Development: The Molecular Basis of Clinical Disorders of Morphogenesis (Oxford University Press, USA, ISBN 9780195145021), page 508:
        XY female patients with gonadal dysgenesis are sometimes referred to as “XY sex-reversed” patients or individuals with “XY sex reversal" (Simpson and Martin, 1981). Although widely used, this terminology is somewhat vague as it does not distinguish XY females with gonadal dysgenesis from XY females with androgen resistance.
    2. An animal of the sex that produces eggs.
    3. (botany) A plant which produces only that kind of reproductive organ capable of developing into fruit after impregnation or fertilization; a pistillate plant.
Translations Translations
  • Russian: са́мка

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