see also: Forties
  1. plural form of forty
  1. The decade of the 1840s, 1940s, etc.
    Synonyms: '40s, 40s
  2. The decade of one's life from age 40 through age 49.
    They're both in their forties.
  3. (temperature, rates, pluralonly) The range between 40 and 49.
    What to wear when the weather is in the forties really depends on whether you're talking fahrenheit or celsius.
  • French: années quarante, années 40
  • German: vierziger Jahre, Vierziger
  • Italian: quarantenne, anta
  • Russian: сороковы́е

forties (not comparable)

  1. From or evoking the 41st through 50th years of a century (chiefly the 1940s).
    Two forties aircraft sat forgotten in the hangar until they were rediscovered by two trespassing teens.

Proper noun
  1. A sea area, in the northern part of the North Sea, where the depth of water is consistently forty fathoms
  • Long Forties

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