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- IPA: /ˈfɹɛʃmən/
freshman (plural freshmen)
- (obsolete) A novice; one in the rudiments of knowledge.
- (US) A person of either sex entering the first year of an institution, especially a high school (ninth grade), a university, or legislative body.
- At the time I was a wide-eyed freshman, but I was soon to grow jaded and cynical.
- (British) fresher
- (Canadian) grade nine student / grade 9 student / Grade 9 student / grade-niner / grade niner
- (Canadian) first-year student / first year student / first-year university student / first year university student
- (US) frosh
- German: Neuling
- French: bizut / bizuth, bleu, bleue
- German: Neuntklässler, Neuntklässlerin, Highschool-Schüler im ersten Jahr, Highschool-Schülerin im ersten Jahr, Student im ersten Jahr, Studentin im ersten Jahr, Student im ersten Semester, Studentin im ersten Semester, Student im ersten Studienjahr, Studentin im ersten Studienjahr
- Italian: matricola
- Portuguese: calouro, caloiro, bicho
- Russian: первоку́рсник
- Spanish: novato, mechóncachimbo
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002