  • IPA: /ˈɡælvənaɪ̯z/

galvanize (galvanizes, present participle galvanizing; past and past participle galvanized) (transitive)

  1. (chemistry) To coat with a thin layer of metal by electrochemical means.
    Synonyms: electroplate, zinc
  2. To coat with rust-resistant zinc.
    to galvanize steel
  3. (figurative) To shock or stimulate into sudden activity, as if by electric shock.
    Synonyms: animate, startle, urge
    The girl’s picture helped galvanize public opinion against the administration’s policy.
    Republicans are hoping a proposed gas-tax repeal will galvanize their voters.
  4. (archaic) To electrify.
    • 1835, Thomas Babington Macaulay, History (essay in the Edinburgh Review)
      The agitations resembled the grinnings and writhings of a galvanized corpse, not the struggles of an athletic man.
  5. (historical, US) To switch sides between Union and Confederate in the American Civil War.
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