see also: GiB
Pronunciation Noun
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see also: GiB
Pronunciation Noun
gib (plural gibs)
- A bolt or wedge made from wood or metal used for holding a machine part in place.
- A castrated male cat or ferret.
- A male cat; a tomcat.
- A hooked prolongation on the lower jaw of a male salmon or trout.
gib (gibs, present participle gibbing; past and past participle gibbed)
- To fasten in place with a gib.
gib (plural gibs)
- (video games) Miscellaneous pieces of a fragged character, most often in first-person shooters.
gib (gibs, present participle gibbing; past and past participle gibbed)
- (transitive, video games) To blast an enemy or opponent into gibs.
- (New Zealand) IPA: /dʒɘb/
gib (uncountable)
- (New Zealand) plasterboard.
gib (gibs, present participle gibbing; past and past participle gibbed)
- (New Zealand) To install plasterboard.
gib (plural gibs)
SynonymsThis text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003