  • IPA: /ˈɡɹuːmɪŋ/
  1. present participle of groom#English|groom

grooming (uncountable)

  1. Care for one's personal appearance, hygiene, and clothing.
    • 1907, Robert William Chambers, chapter IX, in The Younger Set, New York, N.Y.: D. Appleton & Company, OCLC 24962326 ↗:
      “Heavens!” exclaimed Nina, “the blue-stocking and the fogy!—and yours are pale blue, Eileen!—you’re about as self-conscious as Drina—slumping there with your hair tumbling à la Mérode! Oh, it's very picturesque, of course, but a straight spine and good grooming is better. […]”
  2. (biology) The practice of primates picking through the hair of others, looking for insects etc.
  3. The act of teaching someone, often for advancement at work.
  4. Caring for horses or other animals by brushing and cleaning them.
  5. The act of attempting to gain the trust of a minor with the intention of having a sexual relationship with him or her.
  6. (software engineering) In agile software development, the reviewing and prioritization of items in the development backlog.
  • (care for one's appearance)
  • (act of teaching) coaching, mentoring
  • (caring for horses) currying
  • (attempting to gain the trust of a minor)
Translations Translations Translations Translations
  • German: sich vertraut machen
  • Spanish: (Mexico) sonsaque

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