
hypostatize (hypostatizes, present participle hypostatizing; past and past participle hypostatized)

  1. (transitive) To make into, or regard as, a separate and distinct substance; to construe a contextually-subjective and complex abstraction, idea, or concept as a universal object without regard to nuance or change in character.
    • 1892, Thomas Henry Huxley, Scientific and Pseudo-scientific Realism
      On the other hand, there were a few who could see no objective reality in anything but individuals, and looked upon both species and genera as hypostatized universals.
  2. (transitive) To attribute actual or personal existence to.
    • February 2005, Cardozo Law Review
      Progressives are wrong to hypostatize their belief in mankind's eternal advance, and to disavow anything that does not fit this preordained vision.
    • , 2011, Paul Evdokimov, Orthodoxy
      Roman Christianity is characterized by filial love and obedience expressed towards the fatherly authority hypostatized in the first Person of the Trinity....

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