  • (British, America) IPA: /ˈlɑ.teɪ/, /ˈlæ.teɪ/
  • (Hong Kong) IPA: /laˈtʰeɪ/

latte (plural lattes)

  1. A drink of coffee made from espresso and steamed milk, generally topped with foam.
  2. A similar drink, where the espresso is replaced with some other flavoring ingredient such as chai, maté or matcha (green tea).
  • caffe latte
  • cafe latté
  • coffee latté
Translations Noun

latte (plural lattes)

  1. A pillar capped by a hemispherical stone capital with the flat side facing up, used as building supports by the ancient Chamorro people and now used as a sign of Chamorro identity.

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