see also: MAG

mag (plural mags)

  1. (colloquial, abbreviation) magazine publication or ammunition
  2. (colloquial, abbreviation) magnet
  3. (colloquial, abbreviation) mag wheel
    brand new tires and steel-style factory mags
  4. (astronomy, abbreviation) magnitude
  5. (colloquial, legal) magistrate

mag (mags, present participle magging; past and past participle magged)

  1. (transitive, obsolete, slang) To steal.


mag (plural mags)

  1. (aerospace) Acronym of maximum absorbency garment astronaut diaper / space nappies
  2. (biochemistry) Acronym of myelin-associated glycoprotein
  3. (genetics) A gene which encodes for myelin associated glycoprotein

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