see also: Maine

maine (not comparable)

  1. Obsolete form of main#English|main.

    • IPA: /mɛːn/
    • (British, America) IPA: /meɪn/
Proper noun
  1. A province in northwest France.
  2. A state of US, capital=Augusta.
  3. A town in New York.
  4. A town in Outagamie County, Wisconsin.
  5. A river in Maine, US.
  6. University of Maine. c en
Translations Translations Pronunciation Proper noun
  1. A river in France, flowing 12 km through the city of Angers from the confluence of the Mayenne and Sarthe into the Loire.
Proper noun
  1. Surname, a variant of Main.
  2. A village in Marathon County, Wisconsin.cln en
Proper noun
  1. A river in County Kerry, Ireland.
Proper noun
  1. A male given name of historical usage, notably borne by Irish kings {{w.
Proper noun
  1. Alternative form of Main#English|Main: A river in County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

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