  • (British) IPA: /ˌmeɪ.dʒəˈdəʊ.məʊ/
  • (America) IPA: /ˌmeɪ.dʒɚˈdoʊ.moʊ/

majordomo (plural majordomos)

  1. The head servant or official in a royal Spanish or Italian household; later, any head servant in a wealthy household in a foreign country; a leading servant or butler.
  2. (US, Southwest) A manager of a hacienda, ranch or estate.
  3. (chiefly US) Any overseer, organizer, person in command.
    • 2009, The Economic Times, [ 7 Jun 2009]:
      The United Nation's climate majordomo -- tasked with herding 192 nations toward a do-or-die deal by year's end -- does not have the power to impose an agreement on how to curb greenhouse gases and cope with its consequences.
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