see also: Mora
  • IPA: /ˈmɔːɹə/

mora (plural morae)

  1. (Scottish law) A delay in bringing a claim.
  2. (poetics) A unit used to measure lines and stanzas of poetry.
    • 1918, Elcanon Isaacs, “The Metrical Basis of Hebrew Poetry”, in The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, volume 35, page 22 ↗:
      In the quantitative meters in Sanskrit a heavy syllable is considered to be equal to two morae and a light syllable equivalent to one mora.
  3. (phonology) A unit of syllable weight used in phonology, by which stress, foot structure, or timing of utterance is determined in some languages (e.g. Japanese).

mora (plural moras)

  1. (botany) Any tree of the genus Mora of large South American trees.
    • 1904, W.H. Hudson, Green Mansions, A Romance of the Tropical Forest
      At length, somewhere about the centre of the wood, she led me to an immense mora tree, growing almost isolated, covering with its shade a large space of ground entirely free from undergrowth.

mora (plural moras)

  1. The common mora (Mora moro)
  • (common mora) ribaldo, goodly-eyed cod (US), googly-eyed cod (NZ)
  • Spanish: merluza canaria, mollera moranella

mora (uncountable)

  1. Alternative form of morra (finger-counting game)

mora (plural morai)

  1. (historical, military) An ancient Spartan military unit of about a sixth of the Spartan army, typically composed of hoplites.

Proper noun
  1. A female given name
  2. A city/county seat in Kanabec County, Minnesota. Named after Mora, Sweden, see also Swedish Mora.
  3. A census-designated place/county seat in Mora County, New Mexico.
Proper noun
  1. bioresonance therapy

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