see also: Plunk
Pronunciation Verb

plunk (plunks, present participle plunking; past and past participle plunked)

  1. (transitive) To drop or throw something heavily onto or into something else, so that it makes a dull sound.
    Synonyms: flump, thud
    Enrique plunked his money down on the counter with a sigh and bellied up to the bar.
  2. (intransitive) To land suddenly or heavily; to plump down.
  3. (transitive, baseball) To intentionally hit the batter with a pitch.
    The Braves retaliated by plunking Harper in the next inning.
  4. (intransitive, of a raven) To croak.
  5. (transitive, music) To pluck and quickly release (a musical string).
    Synonyms: twang
    • 2011, Dave Eggers, Guillermo del Toro, The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2011, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (ISBN 9780547577432), page 452
      quote en
  6. (ambitransitive, Scotland) To be a truant from (school).

plunk (plural plunks)

  1. The dull thud of something landing on a surface.
  2. (slang, obsolete) A large sum of money.
  3. (slang, obsolete, US) A dollar.

Proper noun
  1. Surname

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