  • (RP) enPR: pô, IPA: /pɔː/
  • (America) enPR: pôr, IPA: /pɔɹ/
  • (rhotic, horse-hoarse) enPR: pōr, IPA: /po(ː)ɹ/
  • (nonrhotic, horse-hoarse) IPA: /poə/
  • (obsolete) enPR pour, IPA: /paʊɹ/, /paʊəɹ/

pour (pours, present participle pouring; past and past participle poured)

  1. (transitive) To cause (liquid, or liquid-like substance) to flow in a stream, either out of a container or into it.
    pour water from a jug
    pour wine into a decanter
    to pour oil onto chips
    to pour out sand or dust.
  2. (transitive, figurative) To send out as in a stream or a flood; to cause (an emotion) to come out; to cause to escape.
    • 1599, William Shakespeare, “The Life of Henry the Fift”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies (First Folio), London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, OCLC 606515358 ↗, [Act 5, prologue]:
      How London doth pour out her citizens.
    • 1611, The Holy Bible, […] (King James Version), imprinted at London: By Robert Barker, […], OCLC 964384981 ↗, 1 Samuel 1:15 ↗:
      […] I haue drunke neither wine nor strong drinke, but haue powred out my soule before the Lord.
    • 1611, The Holy Bible, […] (King James Version), imprinted at London: By Robert Barker, […], OCLC 964384981 ↗, Ezekiel 7:8 ↗:
      Now will I shortly powre out my furie vpon thee, and accomplish mine anger vpon thee […]
  3. (transitive) To send forth from, as in a stream; to discharge uninterruptedly.
    • 1733-1734, Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man
      Is it for thee the linnet pours his throat?
  4. (intransitive) To flow, pass or issue in a stream; to fall continuously and abundantly.
    the rain poured down.
  5. (impersonal) To rain hard.
    It's pouring outside.
  6. (intransitive) Of a beverage, to be on tap or otherwise available for serving to customers.
  7. (intransitive) To move in a throng, as a crowd.
    • 1716, John Gay, Trivia: Or, The Art of Walking the Streets of London
      In the rude throng pour on with furious pace.
    The people poured out of the theater.
Synonyms Translations Translations Translations Translations Noun

pour (plural pours)

  1. The act of pouring.
    The bartender's inexpert pour left me with a pint of beer that was half foam.
  2. Something, or an amount, poured.
    • 2003, John Brian Newman, B. S. Choo, Advanced concrete technology: Volume 2
      Over this time period, the first concrete pour has not only lost workability but has started to set so that it is no longer affected by the action of a vibrator.
  3. (colloquial) A stream, or something like a stream; especially a flood of precipitation.
  • Portuguese: despejamento
  1. Misspelling of pore

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