Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
- A practice of communicating with one's God.
- Through prayer I ask for God's blessings.
- The act of praying.
- In many cultures, prayer involves singing.
- The specific words or methods used for praying.
- A meeting held for the express purpose of praying.
- Grandpa never misses a chance to go to prayer.
- A request; a petition.
- This, your honor, is my prayer; that all here be set free.
- (mostly in negative constructions) The remotest hope or chance.
- That team doesn't have a prayer of winning the championship.
- French: prière
- German: Gebet
- Italian: preghiera, orazione, prece
- Portuguese: oração, prece, reza
- Russian: моли́тва
- Spanish: oración
- French: prières
- German: Gottesdienst
- Portuguese: missa, culto
- Russian: моле́бен
prayer (plural prayers)
- One who prays.
- 1974, Shel Silverstein, “Invitation”, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Harper Collins Publishers:
- If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar / A hope-er
[ sic] , a pray-er[ sic] , a magic bean buyer…
- If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar / A hope-er
- 2012, Paul O'Connor, Islam in Hong Kong: Muslims and Everyday Life in China's World City
- Out of the 37 respondents, seven are infrequent prayers who prefer to leave the precise details of their prayer life ambiguous.
- 1974, Shel Silverstein, “Invitation”, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Harper Collins Publishers:
- German: Beter, Beterin
- Italian: pregatore, pregatrice
- Portuguese: orador, oradora, rezador, rezadora
- Spanish: orador, oradora, orante
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003