
recharge (recharges, present participle recharging; past and past participle recharged)

  1. (transitive) To charge an electric battery after its power has been consumed.
  2. (intransitive) To invigorate and revitalize one's energy level by removing stressful agents for a period of time.
    • Tiger Woods:[ ]
      My body is a little bit sore from all of the practicing and playing and training, and your mind gets a little tired of it, too. It's nice to be able to recharge and come back fresh for the remainder of the year.
  3. (transitive) To reload a gun with ammunition.
  4. (transitive) To add or restore water to an aquifer.
  5. (transitive) To request payment again from.
    • 1977, United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Diagnostic Motor Vehicle Inspection Demonstration Projects, Program Engineering Support
      Customer was recharged for doing same brake work (in November) that had been done in September. QA teams believes[sic] this work was a rip-off.
  6. To charge or accuse in return.
  7. To attack again or anew.
  • (to invigorate and revitalize one's energy level by removing stressful agents) unwind
  • Portuguese: recarregar
  • Russian: перезаряжа́ть
  • Spanish: recargar
  • Portuguese: recarregar
  • Russian: перезаряжа́ть


  1. (uncountable) Water that has percolated from the ground surface to an aquifer.
  2. (countable) The process of charging (an electrical device) again.
    My phone has needed five recharges in the last month.

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