Pronunciation Verb
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Pronunciation Verb
seduce (seduces, present participle seducing; past and past participle seduced)
- (transitive) To beguile or lure (someone) away from duty, accepted principles, or proper conduct; to lead astray.
- (transitive) To entice or induce (someone) to engage in a sexual relationship.
- (by extension, transitive, euphemistic) To have sexual intercourse with.
- He had repeatedly seduced the girl in his car, hotels and his home.
- (transitive) To win over or attract.
- He was seduced by the bright lights and glamour of the city.
- (to lure away from duty) corrupt, lead astray, misguide, bribe
- (to induce a sexual relationship) debauch, forlead, pick up, vamp
- (to have sexual intercourse with) coitize, go to bed with, sleep with; see also Thesaurus:copulate with
- (to win over or attract) beguile, entrance, pull in; see also Thesaurus:allure
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