Pronunciation Verb

schlep (schleps, present participle schlepping; past and past participle schlepped)

  1. (transitive, informal) To carry, drag, or lug.
    I'm exhausted after schlepping those packages around all day.
  2. (intransitive, informal) To go, as on an errand; to carry out a task.
    I schlepped down to the store for some milk.
  3. (intransitive, informal) To act in a slovenly, lazy, or sloppy manner.
    I just schlepped around the house on Sunday.
Translations Noun

schlep (plural schleps)

  1. (informal) A long or burdensome journey.
    Sure you can go across town to get that, but it'd be a schlep.
  2. (informal) A boring person, a drag; a good-for-nothing person.
  3. (informal) A sloppy or slovenly person.
  4. (informal) A “pull#Noun|pull” or influence#Noun|influence.
    He must have had a lot of schlep to get such good seats.

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