  • IPA: /sluː/
  • (Welsh, Northern England, some New England and Southern American dialects) IPA: /slɪu/
  • (obsolete) IPA: /sljuː/

slew (plural slews)

  1. The act, or process of slewing.
  2. A device used for slewing.
  3. A change of position.

slew (slews, present participle slewing; past and past participle slewed)

  1. (transitive, nautical) To rotate or turn something about its axis.
  2. (transitive) To veer a vehicle.
  3. (transitive) To insert extra ticks or skip some ticks of a clock to slowly correct its time.
  4. (intransitive) To pivot.
  5. (intransitive) To skid.
  6. (transitive, rail transport) to move something (usually a railway line) sideways
    The single line was slewed onto the disused up formation to make way for the future redoubling.
  7. (transitive, British, slang) To make a public mockery of someone through insult or wit.

slew (plural slews)

  1. A wet place; a river inlet.
    • The prairie round about is wet, at times almost marshy, especially at the borders of the great reedy slews.
  1. simple past tense of slay

slew (plural slews)

  1. (US) A large amount.
    She has a slew of papers and notebooks strewn all over her desk.

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