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- IPA: /ˈstɹeɪtn̩/
straighten (straightens, present participle straightening; past and past participle straightened)
- (transitive) To cause to become straight.
- (intransitive) To become straight.
- (transitive) To put in order#Adjective|order; to sort#Verb|sort; to tidy up.
- to straighten one's affairs, or an account
- (transitive) To clarify a situation or concept to (an audience).
- (transitive, slang) To bribe#Verb|bribe or corrupt#Verb|corrupt.
- (intransitive) To stand up, especially from a sitting position.
- French: redresser
- Italian: drizzare
- Portuguese: endireitar
- Russian: выпрямля́ть
- Spanish: estirar (hair), desencorvar, destorcer, enderezar
- Russian: выпрямля́ться
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003