  • (RP) IPA: /ˈʌndəfaɪə/, [-faɪ̯ə(ɹ)], /ˌʌndəˈfaɪə/
  • (GA) IPA: /ˈʌndɚˌfaɪ(ə)ɹ/, [-ˌfaɪ̯ɚ], /ˌʌndɚˈfaɪ(ə)ɹ/

underfire (underfires, present participle underfiring; past and past participle underfired)

  1. (transitive, intransitive) To heat#Verb|heat from below.
  2. (transitive) To intentionally operate a boiler, furnace, oven, etc., at a low level.
  3. (intransitive) To burn fuel at less than the desired level, thus not providing heat efficiently.
  4. (transitive, ceramics) To fire#Verb|fire at a low (or excessively low) temperature.

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